Thursday, February 25, 2010

For my fellow Nexus One Readers... seamonkey's n1 wallpaper pack

Here is a zip of about 104 of my personal wallpaper/photo creations.

Download (rapidshare)

They are all formatted for the Google Nexus One's dimensions. Enjoy :)
960x800px, jpg

Preview below

ps sorry for the rapidshare link though

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

its my first time: my google nexus one / android experience (part 2)

Well, I'm back wtih my part 2 of 2 on my google nexus and android experience.  This time around, we'll be looking at the software that powers the nexus one, Android 2.1 (eclair build).

Prior to my Nexus One, i had not had any direct experience/using of Android.  One of my pals had a T-Mobile G1 but sadly the cpu was underpowered to really show what Android can do.  Again, my main reason to purchase the Nexus One was that it had the cpu power to anything android wanted and not blink.  So, does it? Is Android mature enough to stand up to the standard that the iPhone has left us with? Lets find out!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

its my first time: my google nexus one / android experience (part 1)

so yes, i was one of those geeks. up until the day of launch, i was not really too sold on the new Google Nexus One phone.   Android didn't seem to be as mature as the iPhone OS but still seemed to have a one-up on Windows Mobile/Web OS though.  However, after doing more research on the technology being used in the new Nexus One I was sold.  The Snapdragon CPU alone was worth it imo (cpu speed has historically been the weakest part of most devices, and of course balancing it w/decent battery life) and the fact that there were visual notification options (external led and trackball notifier).

So, what does this previous iPhone 2G and 3G user think of Android and the Nexus One?   Hit the jump to get my part 1 of 2 on my experience.