Wednesday, August 12, 2015

GoPro Hero4 Session: DIY backpack POV mount

So after watching Project Almanac (which is a mediocre movie, a few fun moments but a review this is not.. hehe) I realized that I wanted to have a cool backpack GoPro mount setup.  I did some really basic googling and well.. didn't find a single real product actually.   So after looking at my stock of random GoPro body mounts I had bought, I realized I could make my own w/the head mount one.  Keep on reading for the details.

I love hacking hardware in the literal term of taking apart a few random things to make a useful tool.  Movies lately have shown a few random backpack based POV/Action camera mounts but I have yet to actually find one on the interwebz for purchase.  So using my geek kung fu and random set of parts I have stored away I made my own for under $15.

So let's just get to it.  I had two of the softband head mounts for my GoPro from two combo packs I bought on Amazon.  So what I did was basically a head mount and cut it apart and use just the base/mount plastics and one strap combined w/a basic metal type look you have on laptop bag straps for adjusting length to make my own backpack GoPro mount.

Here's how I made my own mount for any backpack and specifically my GoPro Hero4 Session and the awesome new mounts/brackets it has. 

1.  Find a headband mount and take it apart, you usually get one in the those bundle packs you can buy on Amazon for fairly cheap.  Most have slots in the mount so you can remove the neoprene type of material without cutting it.  

The main thing we want is the plastic mount that has our GoPro adapter/mount and an end piece of the neoprene band with a length of at least 8" (mine was a bit on the short side and I wished I had made it longer, however I have another end I can re-use for backpacks w/bigger shoulder straps).

2. This is probably the hardest part of this mod/hack, cutting the plastic mount adapter at a an angle without breaking it.  We want to make an angle cut into the plastic on one of the sides of the GoPro plastic bracket that has our mount.  My example, I cut it on the right side since i wanted the metal strap thingy to be on the outsides of the backpack straps.  A dremel would be ideal for this however I used a tin snip scissor to do it.  Be sure that you don't snap the larger end off at all since it will hold our band in place.

3. Get the end of the neoprene into the area we just made an entry for.  Photos speak louder than words in this example.  After you get the end on, also put on the metal or plastic laptop strap thingy. I found this on an old laptop bag I got at a random conference. 

4.  Next, we will want to get the backpack we want it mounted on out and then put on the strap.  Remember, the straps face forward the backpack face itself is backwards/behind you. :)

Then through our laptop strap thingy, hehe.

Finally, I just staple the ends a bit on each other to create a blocker to prevent it from coming loose.  However, note how i have the rubber side of the neoprene as it is? That is so it is against the laptop straps and in turn won't slip.  I still would suggest adding a better blocker than just staples (this was a quick temp fix for the guide.  Hot glue would be a good alternative that would be a better solution!).

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